
What is the format of image matching label

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Hi. Is there any label formatting instructions for the dataset. I'm a little confused about what is recorded in the depth_map folder, calibration folder, new-vis-pairs folder, and visiability folder under the set_100 folder in the dataset. Thanks.

Those files are for validation, so you don't need to interact with them. You should just place them in the right folder and the benchmark will run; you can check the benchmark code to see how they are used, if you're interested.

There are examples about how to process depth maps, calibration files, and co-visibility estimates for the training data in this notebook. The format for the validation files might be a bit different.

Does that answer your question?

Thank you very much. But I don't understand why to load pairs from the new-vis-pairs/keys-th-{:0.1f}.npy file in the compute_match.py file. What does this new-vis-pairs/keys-th-{:0.1f}.npy file mean?

That file simply contains co-visibility estimates for every possible combination of two images.

You can download the files here ("validation"/"all sequences") and inspect them yourself.

You can check how they are being used here (check where that function is being called and what it is used for).

But as I said earlier, you don't need to interact with this file at all. All stereo metrics are compiled at different co-visibility thresholds for you, if you care to look at them. You can see this in the example result file here. See all the results with _th_<covisibility_value>. The paper (here; link to gdrive because we've updated the arxiv paper but it's not up yet) contains examples: see sections 3 and 6.

I can't help you beyond that if I don't understand what you're trying to do.

Thanks.I just want to know the label format of the image matching used in the training, because I want to train from scratch with my own dataset.

Then you need to use the labels from the training set which are in a different format, with examples in the notebook I sent in my first reply (cells 30+).