
Generating the SfM bags for new scenes

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I want to do some additional validation of the SfM task using training scenes of the Phototourism dataset. How should I generate the bags? The paper says that the bags are randomly sampled from the original set of 100 images per scene – with a co-visibility check (Section 4.5). I tried to:

  1. pick subsets where all images share 3D points: this is too restrictive and yields very few to no bags of 25 images.
  2. perform random walks on the visibility graph with a minimum ratio of covisible 3D points: this yields chains that are more difficult to reconstruct than the bags in the validation scenes.

Any pointer or code would be much appreciated, thanks!

It was pretty simple, from what I recall. We refactored the code and there's a new script to do this, but I can't find it right now. @jyh2005xx can you please point Paul-Edouard to it? Thanks.

@jyh2005xx helped out, thanks!

@jyh2005xx helped out, thanks!

Hi, I'm trying to generating my own test set. Could you please show me the script you use? I am also wondering how to generate the folders like 'calibration', 'depth_maps' in a scene, could you give me some hint? Thanks a lot!