
depth data

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Hello. i have a question about what the meaning of the pids in depth data?

Missed this issue. I'm sorry, I don't understand the question?

there is an attribute pids of the Image , i want to understand what is meaning of the data of pids

Where? I opened an h5 depth map file and I don't see anything like this. Please be specific when asking for help.

oh ,sorry! I mistaken the attribute.
p = images[idx].xys
It's the images[idx].xys.

I assume that comes from reading the binary files provided by colmap. The "xys" are keypoint locations, you can see how to use them here (which I guess is where you got that snippet from?). Should be pretty self-explanatory, but please refer to the Colmap documentation if still in doubt.

ok!Thanks very much~