
Add neovim support

Closed this issue Β· 26 comments

It should be relative straightforward to add support to neovim by following the instructions of the neovim-treesitter repo.

Let me know if you are interested and I can give it a go. I would add you as maintainer.

uben0 commented

Yes, I'm definitely into this. I'll have a look.

uben0 commented

I opened a new issue on the repo: nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter#5620

EDIT: It was already requested at nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter#2282 (comment). We have to create a pull request. I found the indications to add new language at https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md

uben0 commented

@gzagatti How familiar are you with the tree sitter Neovim plugin? Because me, I'm not even familiar with NeoVim :/

I'm actively working on getting typst support in nvim-treesitter and I do have it in a "functional" state, but I have to do a feature comparison of this parser with

before I make the PR.

Neovim is my daily driver and I get all my treesitter grammars from the neovim-treesitter repo. I modify some queries for my own needs. However I have never made a contribution to the official repo. I can help with some of the Neovim stuff. Let me start by checking the tracker in the neovim-treesitter repo. I’m not quite sure about the feature comparison that they’re after.

When I asked on the matrix about contributing I was told to do a feature comparison of available TS grammars to avoid problems down the line.

Feature comparison finished, this one is it for neovim. SeniorMars/typst.nvim looks inactive and frozolotl/tree-sitter-typst only supports about half of the language. I'm building the neovim queries right now, if @gzagatti wants to contribute I've started development at https://github.com/Nagefire/nvim-treesitter/tree/feat/typst

zanglg commented

Thanks for your work, guys. I'm waiting for this to be merged.

Feature comparison finished, this one is it for neovim. SeniorMars/typst.nvim looks inactive and frozolotl/tree-sitter-typst only supports about half of the language. I'm building the neovim queries right now, if @gzagatti wants to contribute I've started development at https://github.com/Nagefire/nvim-treesitter/tree/feat/typst

Is this still active?

uben0 commented

This tree sitter grammar, yes.

The @Nagefire 's fork to add Typst to nvim-treesitter, no idea... Maybe it's a good idea to create a new one and make a pull request. Do you think you could do it ? (As I'm not a neovim user, I'm not so up for it)

A new one based on @Nagefire's fork? And then open the PR directly to the upstream tree-sitter repo?

uben0 commented

A new one based on @Nagefire's fork? And then open the PR directly to the upstream tree-sitter repo?

I guess, yes.

Emailed them yesterday to see if they are still actively working on this (apparently not?). If not, I am considering working on this after my January finals.

By the way, thank you so much for this great project!

Just got an "undelivered" response from my fucked up email server lol. Pickles with its IP.

@uben0, could you be the one to email @Nagefire, please? Sorry to disturb you. Their email address is on their profile.

uben0 commented

I sent a mail asking about the aliveness of its fork.

I have been working with my own set of queries. If @Nagefire's fork is still alive, I could try to contribute in there. My own set of queries also include injections and folds.

uben0 commented

@Nagefire seems inactive, and there no way to know for how long.

@gzagatti, could you make a fork like @Nagefire did and make a pull-request ?

Or at least, could someone redact a How to to add Typst support to NeoVim, and I'll add it to the install instruction of the README. It's better than nothing while waiting official support.

At least onw nvim-treesitter fork needs to implement queries on top of your parser before it makes sense to redact a "How to" section. Once that's ready, I could do that no problem.

As of nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter@1ae9b0e, the queries here work nearly out of the box with a minimum amount of manual config:

in init.vim

Plug 'https://github.com/TheZoq2/tree-sitter-typst-2'

and wherever you have your treesitter lua config

require'nvim-treesitter.install'.prefer_git = true
parser_config.typst = {
  install_info = {
    url = "https://github.com/frozolotl/tree-sitter-typst.git", -- local path or git repo
    files = {"src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c"},
  filetype = "typst", -- if filetype does not match the parser name

However, neovim looks for queries in queries/{language}/*.scm, not queries/*.scm

Would it break helix support if the queries in this repo were moved into queries/typst/*.scm?

I already have a fork for that so if you want it, I can just PR that and maybe update the docs a bit.

That way you're less reliant on getting things upstreamed into the nvim treesitter plugin

Would it break helix support if the queries in this repo were moved into queries/typst/*.scm?

I think a symlink would also be a viable option, if for any other reason @uben0 does not want to change the project structure.

It would not break Helix support as Helix doesn't look for queries inside the tree-sitter directory (but rather in its own queries config folder).

I can change that, but I thought I saw in the tree-sitter's documentation, indications about where to place query files. So I checked it up and I found this https://tree-sitter.github.io/tree-sitter/syntax-highlighting#language-configuration

It turns out, queries/*.scm is the default, but can be customized in the package.json 🀷 but why? I don't know how important it is to stick to the tree-sitter documentation as no editors seems to follow it πŸ˜…

Here's my suggestion:

  • creation of specialized query files for all supported editors in there own folders (for instance editors/neovim/*.scm)
  • creation of a symlink from queries/typst to editors/neovim, this way Neovim is supported out of the box. But one question: will a symlink work?

It turns out, queries/*.scm is the default, but can be customized in the package.json 🀷 but why? I don't know how important it is to stick to the tree-sitter documentation as no editors seems to follow it πŸ˜…

lmao :D

I don't think editors/nvim/queries/typst would work with the way vim plugin managers typically work. As I understand it, they add the plugin content root to the vim runtime path, and nvim-treesitter looks for queries/{language}/*.scm in all directories in the runtime path

A symlink from queries/ to queries/typst would work I think (though aren't symlinks a bit odd on windows?)

Oh I see, and I do agree that using a symlink, despite being an elegant solution, introduces uncertainty.

I will create one folder per editors, but the one for Neovim will be empty, just containing a README saying it is relocated at queries/typst.
And the queries/typst will contain queries for Neovim.

Done in e8ff960

Now you can modify the /queries/typst/*.scm files to make them fully compatible with neovim and make a pull request.

I'm back from my hiatus and I'm willing to make the modifications and submit a PR for the minor changes on the nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter end

@RaafatTurki just had a PR merged with a custom queries built for neovim, please close this issue.