Makisu builds on Jenkins Kubernetes hanging
jeffj254 opened this issue · 2 comments
Describe the bug
I'm trying to build a dockerfile using Makisu on a Jenkins instance running on Kubernetes with a declarative pipeline. The build and image push are successful, but the job then hangs and doesn't complete successfully. Eventually Jenkins will terminate the job with a message
(JENKINS-48300: if on an extremely laggy filesystem, consider -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.durabletask.BourneShellScript.HEARTBEAT_CHECK_INTERVAL=86400)
To Reproduce
Run a Jenkins pipeline job on Kubernetes with this declarative pipeline example:
pipeline {
agent {
kubernetes {
//cloud 'kubernetes'
defaultContainer 'makisu'
yaml """
kind: Pod
- name: makisu
imagePullPolicy: Always
tty: true
- cat
- name: registry-config
mountPath: /registry-config
- name: registry-config
secretName: makisu-test
stages {
stage('Build with Makisu') {
steps {
git credentialsId: 'github', url: 'https://<dockerfile repo>', branch: 'jefftest'
sh '/makisu-internal/makisu build --push=<private registry> --modifyfs=true -t=jeffmaktest:0.2 --registry-config=/registry-config/creds.yaml --file simple-test/dockerfile .'
The dockerfile I am building is:
FROM amazonlinux:2
RUN mkdir test2
RUN yum install -y vim
Expected behavior
Image is built, pushed to private registry, and Jenkins job returns as successful
Kubernetes, specifically EKS v1.16
Jenkins v2.235.3
Jenkins Kubernetes plugin 1.25.7
Makisu-alpine image tag v0.2.0
Additional context
I have tried to kubectl exec into the running container while it is stalled, but I always get an error that my command is not in the PATH. Makisu-alpine has a shell in it, and I can "docker run" the image just fine, but for some reason doing a kubectl exec /bin/sh does not work.
That worked! Thanks!