
Warning when using gulp 4 (gulpjs/gulp#4.0)

gamelover42 opened this issue · 1 comments

I switched one of my projects to gulp 4 by uninstalling the old gulp and installing v4 via:

npm install gulpjs/gulp.git#4.0 --save-dev

In my package.json, under the devDependencies property I have the following entry:

"gulp": "gulpjs/gulp#4.0"

When I ran npm-shrinkwrap I receive the following warning:

npm-shrinkwrap --dev --registries=artifactory:8081

WARN: Expected the git dependency gulp to have a valid version tag;
 instead I found 4.0 for the dependency gulpjs/gulp#4.0

wrote npm-shrinkwrap.json

This is expected, 4.0 is not a valid version tag,

Expected v4.0.0 since that's a valid git tag as created by npm version;