react-vis 0.3.1 XYPlot fails on nested child array
ibgreen opened this issue · 3 comments
Tried to upgrade from 0.1.1 to 0.3.1 but had to revert.
Got a crash in collectSeriesTypesInfo when it tried to process my application's nested array of XYPlot children.
Perhaps some higher level code is not first calling getSeriesChildren?
@ibgreen could you put an example of what you mean by nested child array? A minimum reproducible example help us track this down and ensure that we resolve the issue.
@chrisirhc In my app, props.children is an array contain a mix of react elements and arrays containing additional react elements. Conceptually something like:
props.children = [
[ Hint, Hint ],
Normally props.children is considered an opaque data type and a component should use the React.Children utilities to deal with props.children
I debugged a bit further and the problem happens when the XYPlot is constructed.
The constructor calls getStackedData
which does not call React.Children utilities but tries to iterate directly on props.children