
verifying module: checksum mismatch

kaptinlin opened this issue · 2 comments

go: downloading go.uber.org/dig v1.16.0
go.uber.org/fx imports
        go.uber.org/dig: go.uber.org/dig@v1.16.0: verifying module: checksum mismatch
        downloaded: h1:UvbC1KUaQKx6MQTALcKanqRuPQRX7Tnt1iIYZHH2shk=
        sum.golang.org: h1:O48QoUEj4ePocypAIE5jz+SrxVdG/izHM1CZ/Yjrwww=```

@sywhang @r-hang consider tagging a patch release with #1029 cherry picked into it so that "latest version of Fx" does not attempt to download the broken dig.

v1.19.2 has been released with Dig v1.16.1. Sorry for the inconvenience.