
Apple M1: "Some dependencies are missing"

ScottAyersZip23 opened this issue · 2 comments

macOS Ventura 13.5.2
Xcode 15.0

Homebrew 4.1.13
Needle version 0.24.0
Ruby 3.1.3

When running the following Xcode Build Phase shell script placed at the top of the order:

> export PATH="$PATH:/opt/homebrew/bin"
> export SOURCEKIT_LOGGING=0 && needle generate MyProject/NeedleGenerated.swift MyProject/

a Needle file does not generate, and I get the following error:

"💩 Some dependencies are missing, please look at the warnings above for the list."

I know the dependencies are there. Pods are installed, and my team members do not get this issue when compiling the same branch of the same project on their computer. Also, I can run the Sample > MVC > TicTacToe with no problem.

What am I missing?

I tested today the Sample > MVC > TicTacToe using my system needle generate instead of the Generator binary provided in the Sample download, and it works.

My PATH works, so that narrows the focus. But it still doesn't resolve my issue. This has become a huge blocker!

Here's the solution that worked:

For every property missing a dependency, I added public to the front of it. The project now compiles.