graph position wrong after data prop change
James2516 opened this issue · 8 comments
James2516 commented
If i update the data
props of graph without remounting it, the graph goes out of place.
See the demo below.
I can fix it by adding
const simulation = forceSimulation();
simulation.strength = {};
Line 263 in 6b66127
madsonic commented
facing this too
roscioliadp commented
Also facing this.
etwerk commented
Did anyone solve this?
ThieryMichel commented
Facing this too
RosaRomeroGomez commented
Me too!
RosaRomeroGomez commented
It seems @James2516 addition was pushed to react-vis-force/src/utils-d3-force.js but still it doesn't work for me. I've read in other related open issues that it might be also related to using .map to generate nodes and links.
kristianmandrup commented
@rosa what could be the particular issue with respect to using .map? Where did you read this?
RosaRomeroGomez commented
@kristianmandrup was issue #60.