
Open uber via deeplinking with incorrect from location

bynelus opened this issue · 5 comments

We open the Uber app via a deeplink, with a from and to location preset. But when the Uber app isn't already open in the background, the from location isn't set. When we open the uber app while it's in background, both from and to location are set.

Expected result:
Open the Uber app via deeplink (even when the Uber app isn't already in background) and seeing from and to location set.

SDK Version: 0.10.0
Uber App Version: 3.322.10003

I have the same issue as yours. Don't know how to solve this.

Check my question here
It seems like a bug in uber app. I will keep following the issue until someone solve this.

Thanks for reporting this issue. We are currently looking into it and will provide an update soon.

@Vikramjeet-Singh is there an update available on this? How could people working at Uber contact you on this? Please PM me to exchange contact details. Thanks!


I also wonder if there is progress? this issue has cost a ton of time on an otherwise simple project. Thanks for updating.