
iOS Deep Link Pickup Location Stopped Working

Closed this issue · 2 comments

With the new version of the Uber app we're noticing that when we try to pre-populate the pickup location via a deep link from our app it doesn't work (its set to the users location). This works fine with previous versions of the Uber app.

What is the ETA & plan for this to be resolved?

This is the deep link we're using, which is live in the Levi's Stadium app:


Your deeplink is malformed. You are missing some square brackets around latitude, longitude, and nickname
Please try uber://?client_id=<client_id>&action=setPickup&pickup[latitude]=37.413213&pickup[longitude]=-121.976760&pickup[nickname]=LevisStadium&product_id=a1111c8c-c720-46c3-8534-2fcdd730040d and let me know if it works

The deep link is malformed and the app is not checking if uber is available to open the link: https://developer.uber.com/docs/riders/ride-requests/tutorials/deep-links/introduction

if ([[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"uber://"]]) { // Uber app is installed, construct and open deep link. } else { // No Uber app, open the mobile site. }