
Base64 decoding the received records

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Hey, I've noticed that the incoming messages are base64 encoded, which is still usable ๐Ÿ‘ , however, the kinesis adapter defines a parser https://github.com/ex-aws/ex_aws_kinesis/blob/v2.0.1/lib/ex_aws/kinesis.ex#L68 which I assumed should be invoked somewhere?

I'm not 100% familiar with ex_aws conventions, and I could not find where ex_aws uses the parser, but given that it is available at the stage here https://github.com/uberbrodt/kcl_ex/blob/master/lib/kinesis_client/kinesis.ex#L66, in the ExAws.Operation.JSON struct, should the messages be decoded there too?

Are you sure it's not decoding? They should be decoded when ExAWS makes the request?


My consumer hanlder looks like this:

  def handle_message(_processor_name, message, _context) do
    |> Message.update_data(&process_data/1)

  defp process_data(raw_data) do
    IO.inspect(raw_data |> inspect(), label: "Raw:")

    IO.inspect(raw_data |> Base.decode64!() |> inspect(), label: "base64 decoded:")

and my config

    opts = [
      stream_name: stream_name,
      app_name: app_name,
      shard_consumer: KinesisConsumer.Consumer,
      processors: [
        default: [
          concurrency: 1,
          min_demand: 100,
          max_demand: 1000
      batchers: [
        default: [
          batch_timeout: 5_000

    children = [
      {KinesisClient.Stream, opts}