
Themes not Working

SamuDifferent opened this issue · 7 comments

Did you check the FAQ & Troubleshooting section for answers to common questions and issues?


Describe the issue

Despite sticking to the Documentation and the Instructions given here, i just can't themes to show up in the UI

Diagnostic Information

Run ./deploy.sh -d and paste the output below:

==== Docker Information ====
Detected runtime: docker (Docker version 26.1.3, build b72abbb)
Detected compose: docker compose (Docker Compose version v2.27.0)
   Runtime state: OK

==== System Information ====
      OS: Linux
  KERNEL: 5.15.0-107-generic (x86_64)
   SHELL: bash
               total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:           7.5Gi       3.6Gi       246Mi       157Mi       3.7Gi       3.5Gi
Swap:          4.0Gi       121Mi       3.9Gi

PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS"

==== Lemmy-Easy-Deploy Information ====
Version: 1.3.4

IMAGE                                CREATED       STATUS
caddy:latest                         13 days ago   Up 13 days
ghcr.io/ubergeek77/lemmy-ui:0.19.3   13 days ago   Up 17 minutes (healthy)
ghcr.io/ubergeek77/lemmy:0.19.3      13 days ago   Up 13 days
postgres:15-alpine                   13 days ago   Up 13 days
asonix/pictrs:0.4.7                  13 days ago   Up 13 days
mwader/postfix-relay                 13 days ago   Up 13 days

    6d237e132a98a3f18363a17119aa6dc72766dc1a707cf8ba081fd60a4dc9a5d9  ./deploy.sh
    92c95dfc886792b8df2e9fffb540fc71a35c3bc6fd6c7662134da1545a79457a  ./templates/Caddy-Dockerfile.template
    c1202e70662dd2228da36a35a0f38ec8fc81bec8964d7315d02e8671a58dd7d7  ./templates/Caddyfile.template
    2537678c7971df36c1ed95f4228d3cfcb15bb4a28a60d939eaf8dd75b5d64a36  ./templates/cloudflare.snip
    c494a610bcb4cd1cfc0a4fe4fb0f6d437b2a84a0ad1625daee240e6dd6f1c910  ./templates/compose-email-volumes.snip
    c9cb4c5fee12930e17798a02ae1bd12e2dc69e149a394c24511bc9d4e6b776d4  ./templates/compose-email.snip
    09b990908d667411c9089b6848cf63d30ad3e76b1e560747833c3cc241ab95a4  ./templates/docker-compose.yml.template
    1c202b1b6e87c65b2fcda6035c9fe3f8631d76662907ffd38f24b14686e30647  ./templates/lemmy-email.snip
    c834cdce9eaf77f38155b404724fdfe66845575386ee516987452aa715642a6f  ./templates/lemmy.hjson.template

Custom Files: 
*** No custom files ***

==== Settings ====
        CLOUDFLARE: Yes
      ENABLE_EMAIL: true
         SMTP_PORT: 465

==== Generated Files ====
Deploy Version: 0.19.3;0.19.3

total 40K
drwxr-xr-x 2 0 0 4.0K Jun  2 21:59 caddy
-rw-r--r-- 1 0 0   28 Jun  5 09:25 caddy.env
-rw-r--r-- 1 0 0 2.1K Jun  5 09:25 docker-compose.yml
drwxr-xr-x 2 0 0 4.0K Jun 18 17:24 lemmy-ui-themes
-rw-r--r-- 1 0 0   50 Jun  2 21:59 lemmy.env
-rw-r--r-- 1 0 0  679 Jun  5 09:25 lemmy.hjson
-rw-r--r-- 1 0 0   49 Jun  2 21:59 pictrs.env
-rw-r--r-- 1 0 0   32 Jun  5 09:25 postfix.env
-rw-r--r-- 1 0 0   51 Jun  2 21:59 postgres.env
-rw-r--r-- 1 0 0   14 Jun  5 09:25 version

Can you share the .css file you tried to use, and where you saved the CSS file?

I was able to get the following theme to load properly on my staging server, and no restart was required


Here is where I saved it:

lemmy@ip-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx:~/Lemmy-Easy-Deploy/live/lemmy-ui-themes$ ls


I actually tried with another theme from the same repository, but it didn't work. I just tried with this one, but no luck either.

Are you sure you're putting the themes in the correct folder?

It must be in ./live/lemmy-ui-themes

You can verify you put it in the correct place by running:

docker compose -p lemmy-easy-deploy exec lemmy-ui ls -lah /app/extra_themes

If you see the .css file, then you should be good. If you do not see the .css file, it's not in the correct place.

If this command is showing at least one .css file, then it should have been loaded properly.

Please also make sure you downloaded the .css file properly and that it isn't corrupted. Sometimes people run wget directly against the GitHub page, which will result in html being downloaded.

If all of this checks out, you can try looking at the lemmy-ui logs to see if you find anything interesting:

docker compose -p lemmy-easy-deploy logs lemmy-ui -f

You can try removing and re adding the .css file to the correct place, then watch these logs to see if it says anything about loading themes.

docker compose -p lemmy-easy-deploy exec lemmy-ui ls -lah /app/extra_themes

It does show the css file, but it doesn't show up in the UI. Nothing interesting in the Logs either.

That's very strange. As a last resort, you can try restarting your lemmy-ui container:

docker compose -p lemmy-easy-deploy restart lemmy-ui

Then make sure to refresh the Lemmy tab you're on, to make sure it's not caching that dropdown. Maybe even log in via a different browser just in case.

If none of that works, then unfortunately I do not know what else to suggest. It's likely you've run into an upstream Lemmy UI bug somehow...

I found the Problem. It was Cloudflare caching the website, therefore stopping the new theme from showing up. As soon as i activated Cloudflares Developer-Mode, it worked. Sorry for wasting your time.

No need to apologize! Learning about weird quirks like this lets me keep them in mind for other people! Glad you got it figured out!