
Questions in multiple lines not working with the text2csv.py

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A few questions, found in the "brain-teasers" category have the questions text take multiples lines, like for exemple:

#Q There are two kinds of people who live on a mysterious island. They are the so-called Honestants, who always speak the truth, and the others are the Swindlecants, who always lie.

A visitor to the island went to a local pub and had a few drinks. When he was ready to leave he asked the bartender how much he owed. The bartender told him the total for his bill. It was quite expensive, so he asked the bartender if he spoke the truth. But the visitor did not hear the whispered answer so he asked a man sitting next to him about it. And the man said: The bartender said yes, but he is a big liar.

Was the bartender a Honestant?
^ No
A Yes
B No

This create this output:

Which make the csv unusable for these questions