
finc.AIRecordType is missing in schema

zazi opened this issue · 2 comments

zazi commented

since it is utilised in the span export processing, see https://github.com/miku/span/blob/a05d018c9174fd939cbbd9dacb36f80273ea04dd/formats/finc/solr.go#L98. Since finc.AIRecordType is camel-cased, we should think about renaming it, or? - e.g. finc.record_type

miku commented

For siskin/span style processing, the value of AIRecordType is by default ai. This is mostly a signal to the VuFind frontend, to use a certain way to access the fullrecord.

I'm aware of the following record types at the moment:

  • ai: use an external blob server
  • is: include intermediate schema in SOLR fullrecord field
  • marc: include marc binary in SOLR fullrecord field

If you run span-export with -with-fullrecord flag, the recordtype is changed to "is" (and the intermediate schema record is put info the fullrecord field).

zazi commented

from my current knowledge, this field does not belong to the intermediate schema (right now), it's simply a constant value that is defined in https://github.com/miku/span/blob/a05d018c9174fd939cbbd9dacb36f80273ea04dd/formats/finc/intermediate.go#L34 and utilised in https://github.com/miku/span/blob/a05d018c9174fd939cbbd9dacb36f80273ea04dd/formats/finc/solr.go#L98