
Create build matrix to support distinct builds for kernel variants

Closed this issue · 3 comments

In order to support custom kernels (eg for asus and surface images) we need those kernels to be used as part of the kmods build process.

Perhaps we do something like this:

    kernel_flavor: [default, asus, surface]

And then our kmods Containerfile(s):

  1. use default kernel/kernel-devel packages for default
  2. replace kernel/kernel-devel packages for asus/surface
  3. build kmods with the respective kernel packages

Tags should be something like this:

  • akmods:main-38
  • akmods-nvidia:main-38-535
  • akmods:asus-38
  • akmods-nvidia:asus-38-535
  • akmods:surface-38
  • akmods-nvidia:surface-38-535

Looks like some more work is needed here, while the kernels install the kmods are not built for them specifically.

@KyleGospo and @EyeCantCU ... i think we wrapped this up... good to close?

Good to close!