
Incorrect SHA256 checksums for 16.04.5 ISOs

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The SHA256 checksums for the 16.04.5 ISOs shown on https://ubuntu-mate.org/download/ are out of date. The checksums listed are for the 16.04.4 release, but 16.04.5 is the version available for download.

Expected checksums (from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-mate/releases/16.04/release/SHA256SUMS ):

ad64dc3a48c8f5099c26a536fac5b43e9b0b24cd6a5e3ebd49cccdac0fe3bbd1 *ubuntu-mate-16.04.5-desktop-amd64.iso
ebf60426af94fc88e7c5ac6cb32c16443bdd833f259da3a8c501be2710d56a21 *ubuntu-mate-16.04.5-desktop-i386.iso

lah7 commented

Thanks for noticing, they've been changed 👌