- alapha23
- atrosinenko
- baiyunping333guangzhou
- bendlEngland
- Bohan-huHKUST(GZ)
- colin4124Jinglue Semi. (SH) Inc.
- combinatorylogic
- davoclavo
- dhanna11
- diningyoJapan
- dreamflyings
- egk696Microchip
- Harry-Chen@tuna @thu-pacman
- Hung-Kun-Chien
- jhmorris3486
- jiegec
- jimaplesUnited States
- kammoh@GMUCERG
- liuhubing
- liumengbjutBJUT
- michaelachrisco@RootAccessHackerspace
- nrother@IMS-AS-LUH
- oioeic
- OrigamiAycUSTC
- redpanda3
- Reset816University of California, Riverside
- rgb000000
- RubyOcelotUC Irvine
- sequencerWuhan, China
- taokyUniversity of Science and Technology of China
- TonanguyxiroThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Guangzhou
- victoryang00Baskin Engineering
- YangWang92
- yuanyiwei@USTCLUG
- Yukaii@hackmdio
- zavsNorthwestern Polytechnical University