
blank lines printed by postprocess.py

Opened this issue · 7 comments

First referenced in #23 which is now closed.

@mfefer @msdogan use this issue to track when/where this seems to be happening. Maybe some data isn't being filled into the dictionaries properly.

This may be fixed by Max's latest changes to postprocess.py which he's going to work on a pull request for.

@jdherman these blank lines were also happening while I was writing networkcheck.py results into csv. Now, we don't use it anymore.


# # Save results to a .csv file
# nodes = [node[0] for node in nodes]
# with open('networkcheck.csv', 'w') as csvfile:
#     writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',')
#     writer.writerow(["node", "# incoming", "# outgoing"]) # header
#     writer.writerows(zip(nodes, list(incoming), list(outgoing))) # results

Ok. I'm not looking into this right now, but let's keep the issue open in case it becomes a problem later with postprocess.py.

I am assuming latest pull request https://github.com/m.pysdogan/pyvin/pull/27 resolved blank line issue in postprocess.py output csv.

I didn't do anything specific to resolve it, but I didn't notice any problems with blank lines.

This is not urgent but I am just curious if I am the only one to get blank lines when running postprocess.py My data and result file is attached. (I updated my repository)

Update: when I run this on my laptop, I didn't get blank lines. It can be python 3 - 2.7 thing.

tested with python 2 & 3 and I can't seem to reproduce the problem.

might be a windows / line ending problem? we'll have to keep an eye on it.