
Add a new FFY_SFN maintenance page

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Please add a new maintenance page that displays the data present the FFY_SFN_EntriesV view, and will allow updating the Accession Number or Project Number property of the corresponding record in the FFY_SFN_Entries table, and deleting of a single row. Insert is probably not necessary as rows in the table are added programmatically. Call the new page: "204-20x Project Mapping"

The accession number and project number selection may be an AJAX call back to the project view to help auto complete the value if you have time. I think a drop down of 400+ entries is probably too big to be of any real use, but perhaps the auto complete could display a partial list based first few digits on the user enters?

Lastly, it would be great if you could auto-populate either the Accession number or project number field when the user provides a project number or accession number in the alternate field as populating either one of these 2 fields should resolve back to a single project.

If you're short on time, then just handle editing/selection of the accession number. An auto-populate of the project number would be nice when they've selected one, but is not essential.

Please do a join against the project view on update so it will set the project number field if you're not auto-populating it, so it will be set when the user updates the record and refreshes the page.

Sincere thanks!

@taylorkj Are we anticipating them doing a lot of work on this edit page? Do they not already know the accession/project number they're fixing?

Double fields updating from the other is very complicated. You have to handle the circular updating logic. :-/

Autocomplete would be much simpler.

@taylorkj I've added autocomplete to both fields. Should be sufficient for now. Let me know.