
Create a new PI to Employee Name Cross reference

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Please create a new maintenance view that will allow the accounting team to map any auto-matched PI names to their corresponding Employee names.

The SQL to pull these records is:
FROM [AD419].[dbo].[PI_Match]
WHERE PI_Match IS NULL and (isProrated is null Or IsProrated = 0)

They must either select a PI from the possible matches using the possible list of PIs in the project;s corresponding OrgR. Please using AJAX to populate the list similar using the following SQL:
,REPLACE([EmployeeName], '(CE PI) ', '') [EmployeeName]
FROM [AD419].[dbo].[PI_Names]
WHERE OrgR = 'AANS'-- or Whatever the OrgR is of the PI they're trying to find a match for
ORDER by [EmployeeName]

zero rows must be returned in order to continue to the next step; therefore, they must either select a PI from the dropdown menu or set "IsProrated" to true.

Thank you.