
The score page's post message should send both the current score and the score that would be sent via LTI

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The postmessage currently only sends the score the student obtained on the current test. It would be nice to also know the score that will be sent back to the LMS via LTI (it is actually the highest of all the student's scores, not the current).

Keep in mind this message is sent all the time, even when there is no LTI integration, so you'd need to handle that too.

Expert mode - we could find a way to sign this data with oath using the lti oauth key and secret if it is an LTI launch. With a custom integration in Obojobo - this would allow us to verify the message in the browser instead of waiting for the LTI score passback.

const _sendPostMessage = (type, data) => {
parent.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ type, source: 'score-core', data }), '*')

Score data from: