
Research ways to configure background tasks with SQLite

jiyeongchloe opened this issue · 0 comments

Goals: For Issues #269, #224, and #222, we were restricted to managing match_status updates to AJAX requests on the front-end because we concluded that SQLite is not advanced enough to support Django's background-tasks feature. There were a couple problems with this since nothing could be changed in the database until someone actively viewed the lobby detail page and/or clicked join match in that page. We want to figure out how to run this process automatically so that we are not relying on user activity for these updates to happen. We should come up with at least 3 possibilities to configure these background tasks. (For the record, Celery also does not appear to be compatible with SQLite)


  • Documentations on research and quickstart guides for the possibilities
  • Create issues for implementing these changes
  • Create an issue for changing the front-end timer if the timer attribute is changed through the EditView according to whichever method is chosen