Room is printing as None in notification mail
ericmjonas opened this issue · 6 comments
The notification mail I received said
We wanted to let you know that we have scheduled you to attend office hours at 08:45 PM - 09:00 PM on Oct. 3, 2020. Please make sure to go to None at that time.
I believe the None is arising due to the {{}}
in the email template.
Perhaps instead we could mail them the zoom link in case they forget it?
The same issue occurs in the text that shows up on the /cmsc12100-aut-20/my-request page when the request is scheduled or in progress.
For the e-mail notification, how about the following?
Greetings from the {{request.course_offering.catalog}} Office Hours!
We wanted to let you know that we have scheduled you to attend office hours at {{request.actual_slot.interval}} on {{}}. You will be seen by {{request.server}}.
As a reminder, you provided the following Zoom URL: {{request.zoom_url}}
Please make sure this meeting is open during your scheduled time. An instructor/TA will join the meeting sometime during your scheduled slot.
If you are not planning to attend office hours after all, please cancel your request at Cancelling a request will not affect your standing in future requests and, once you cancel your request, you will be allowed to make another request for the same day.
I'm not sure we want to promise who they will be seen by. I am imagining that if there are multiple instructors/TAs in a particular office hours slot, they'll probably mostly help the next person in the slot, even if it's not who scheduled them. There may be exceptions, like if a student was following up with the same TA for an earlier issue they had discussed, or if one TA feels less qualified to help with a problem than another, but also I remember last year the work of doing the scheduling might be more heavily done by some of the TAs/instructors.
Otherwise I think it looks good from the perspective of showing where they are meeting.
I think it would be useful to include the text of their request too (with an instruction to update the text if their request changes), but I can raise that as a separate issue.
I had added the "server name" mostly so students knew who to expect in their Zoom call, but I agree we probably want the flexibility for someone to schedule a student, and then hand them off to someone else (e.g., if they're still busy helping someone out). I think we just need to make sure the students know the instructors/TA's names, so they know who could potentially show up in their Zoom call.
Good point that they need to know who is an acceptable person to join their call. It's probably okay if they just have a list of all the instructors/TAs, even without knowing specifically who is going to see them or the list of people on duty at the time.
The "None" on the web interface should be fixed now. Both changes (including the updated e-mail template) are on staging now.