UCLA Biostat 203B Introduction to Data Science in R

Course webpage for UCLA Biostat 203B (Intro. to Data Science in R)

Reproduce the course materials

Brief instructions for reproducing the course materials are given below. For more detailed instructions, see lab 1.

To render the lecture materials (qmd files),

  1. Install R/RStudio, Quarto, Python, and Julia.

  2. Install the R packages required for the course.

    # in R terminal
    install.packages(read.csv("Docker/r_pkgs.txt", header = F)[[1]], repos = "https://cran.rstudio.com")
  3. Install the Python packages required for the course. More often than not, you have multiple versions of Python installed on your machine. Make sure you install the packages for the Python version that you use for this course. In RStudio, choose the Python version at Tools -> Global Options -> Python.

    # in Bash terminal
    python -m pip install -r Docker/python_pkgs.txt
  4. Install the Julia packages required for the course.

    # in Julia terminal
    using Pkg


Alternatively, you can use Docker to reproduce the course materials.

  1. Install Docker Desktop.

  2. Pull the Docker image from Docker Hub.

    docker pull huazhou/ucla-biostat-203b-2024w
  3. Modify docker-compose.yml to map 203-lecture, 203-hw, 212a-lecture, mimic, ~/.ssh, and ~/.gitconfig folders on local machine to container.

  4. Run the Docker image.

    docker-compose up