
Build ArchiveCommitee and ArchiveTopicList component

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We want to build a component that will show all the resources that a committee made, separated by topic. It will look like this:

Here's a link to the Figma for reference, but for this ticket you don't need to implement any of the CSS. Here are your tasks:

  • create src/components/CommitteeArchive/ArchiveCommittee.js, which is a component that takes in a committee name as props
  • grab all the resources that the committee created from src/data/resources.js, keeping the category information
  • create src/components/CommmitteeArchive/ArchiveTopicList.js, which takes in a topicName and resourceList as props
  • have the ArchiveTopicList be a button, where if it's clicked on then it opens a dropdown that maps all of the resources in the resourceList (each resource will be a separate component later, but don't worry ab that right now, just map the names of the resources or something)
  • inside ArchiveCommittee.js, map a ArchiveTopicList component for each of the different topics of resources that the committee has

lmk if u have any questions on how to do this!
This issue is related to #112 , as the ArchiveCommittee component will eventually be placed in the Archive.js file. For now you can just add the ArchiveCommittee component anywhere in order to see what it looks like