
Add new Matching UI screens

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Some stuff that seems to be pending from your current branch:

  • auto layout
  • there is no way to get from the new VC you made back to the form.
  • The ordering of these screens also seems to be incorrect.
    • As indicated in the Zeplin, the ordering should be as follows:
    • When I press the "match" tab, it should go to the VC with the list of successful/pending matches (i.e. this one)
    • then from that screen when i press "find a new match" it should take me to the form where a user requests a new match (i.e. this one)


  • As indicated on slack, please resume your work from the branchfix-match-request-form - all your changes from your old branch kameron_matches_table have been updated there.

UPDATED PENDING TASKS (From @cliffdawg):

  • Replace the test data in PendingRequestsController with the test data in MatchingAPI

  • Add a segue to return from the Pending Requests ViewController

  • Implement the auto-layout for the Pending Requests ViewController

@pluscubed assigning you to pick up where @cliffdawg left off and complete the pending tasks listed above - you can look at the expected screen designs in the links in the main issue descriptions.

The branch you'll be picking up from is: fix-match-request-form

@pluscubed moving this into the week 5 sprint since you were only assigned this toward the end of week 4. Please finish your pending tasks from your week 4 task (on the detailed menu) ASAP so you can get started on your week 5 tasks (this one)