
Error message using -cinema2K 24

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Hi I have found a bug in the cinema2K 24 instruction.

--> D:\dennervision\opj\bin>opj_compress -cinema2K 24 -i d:\tif\a00001.tif -o d:\j2c\a00001.j2c -OutFor j2c

Expected behavior Ver 1.3 just outputs expected j2c DCI compliant frame.

Version 2.5 ouputs expected j2c frame with the aditional error mesage

CINEMA 2K profile activated

Other options specified could be overridden

[WARNING] The desired maximum codestream size has limited

at least one of the desired quality layers

[INFO] tile number 1 / 1

[INFO] Generated outfile d:\j2c\a00001.j2c
encode time: 1220 ms

Is this normal? I have tryed disfferent input frames, only time it works without error message is if i leave out the -cinema2K 24 instruction, but then they are not dci compliant frames.

Operating system Windows 10 X64

openjpeg version V2.5 latest release

Please advise are the sresaultant frames usable or currpt in some way, compramised in quality?

