
Add Location Controller and Tests

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Acceptance Criteria:

  • There is LocationController.java file in the src/main/java/edu/ucsb/cs156/spring/backend/controllers directory.
  • LocationController.java implements a class that implements an API endpoint that takes in the necessary
    parameters, calls the LocationQueryService, and returns the results.
  • The file LocationController.java file make appropriate use of the
    annotations @Tag, @Operation and @Parameter to document the API.
  • The controller endpoint shows up on the Swagger UI page.
  • There is a LocationControllerTests.java file in the src/test/java/edu/ucsb/cs156/spring/backend/controllers directory.
  • The tests in LocationControllerTests provide 100% coverage of LocationController for both jacoco and pitest.


See the assignment description at https://ucsb-cs156.github.io/f23/lab/team01 for details.