
Create our own amd64 OS images

olegbck opened this issue · 1 comments

Currently we use the following Vagrant boxes for our blueprints:

  • bento/ubuntu-18.04
  • bento/ubuntu-22.04
  • gusztavvargadr/windows-10
  • bento/debian-7.11

It's not great to use someone's OS images as they might disappear. Let's create our own amd64 images.

Creating our own Vagrant boxes is a tedious process, therefore I decided to clone already existing boxes created by someone else:

  • cvex/ubuntu-22.04 based off bento/ubuntu-22.04 v202404.23.0
  • cvex/ubuntu-18.04 based off bento/ubuntu-18.04 v202303.13.0

Added in abd949a

I've also created cvex/windows-10 based off gusztavvargadr/windows-10 v2202.0.2404, but the web interface breaks the upload probably because it takes too long time (the box is 10GB in size, upload stops after ~30 min). Trying to figure out what to do.

Debian box will be added during development of #3