
Sort Error with Symbolic Evaluation

Closed this issue · 6 comments

The below file (as small as I can make it by shrinking) yields a elaborate/sort error. Any idea whats going on?

{-@ LIQUID "--automatic-instances=liquidinstances" @-}
{-@ LIQUID "--exact-data-con"                      @-}

module Sort where

-- | Lists ---------------------------------------------------------------------

{-@ data List = Nil | Cons {lHd :: Int, lTl :: List} @-}
data List = Nil | Cons Int List

-- | Insertion Sort ------------------------------------------------------------

{-@ reflect sort @-}
sort Nil        = Nil
sort (Cons h t) = Cons h t

{-@ reflect insert @-}
insert x ys = Cons x ys

{-@ reflect sorted @-}
sorted :: List -> Bool
sorted (Cons x1 (Cons x2 t))        -- disabling this pattern removes the bug
  = if x1 <= x2
      then True -- sorted (Cons x2 t)
      else False
sorted _
  = True

{-@ thmInsertSorted :: x:Int -> ys:{List | sorted ys} -> { sorted (insert x ys) } @-}
thmInsertSorted :: Int -> List -> ()
thmInsertSorted = undefined


rjhala@borscht ~/r/s/liquid-sf (master) [1]> stack exec -- liquid bug.hs 
liquid: Error [Error1 {errLoc = SS {sp_start = (line 1, column 1), sp_stop = (line 1, column 1)}, errMsg = elaborate symbolic evaluation failed on:
    is_Nil VV##F
with error
    Unbound Symbol VV##F
 Perhaps you meant: VV
in environment
    is_Nil := func(1, [(Sort.List  @(0)); bool])}]

No idea, but I have not tested pbe a lot with class constraints, so I will blame the Ord a...

Hmm. That is likely, because making those Int works for this minimized version (but seems to tickle some much more horrific sort-errors elsewhere...!)

This needs to be fixed before PBE can be made useful so definitely keeping it open.

No, thats not it, see the updated bug at the top (the same crash happens without any Ord).

Here is an even simpler version, that is crashes for some most likely odd reason:

{-@ LIQUID "--automatic-instances=liquidinstances" @-}
{-@ LIQUID "--exact-data-con"                      @-}

module Sort where

{-@ data List = Nil | Cons {lHd :: Int, lTl :: List} @-}
data List = Nil | Cons Int List

{-@ reflect sort @-}
sort :: List -> List
sort xs = xs

{-@ reflect insert @-}
insert x ys = Cons x ys

{-@ reflect sorted1 @-}
sorted1 :: List -> Int -> Bool
sorted1  Nil         x1 = True
sorted1  (Cons x2 t) x1 = True

{-@ reflect sorted @-}
sorted :: List -> Bool
sorted Nil         = True
sorted (Cons x1 t) = True

{-@ thmInsertSorted :: x:Int -> ys:{v:List | sorted v} -> { sorted (insert x ys) } @-}
thmInsertSorted :: Int -> List -> ()
thmInsertSorted = undefined         -- THIS LINE CRASHES
-- thmInsertSorted x l = undefined  -- But THIS LINE is OK!

Now perhaps you can understand why I was so surprised that the other examples worked...

I'm not sure how we fixed these, but neither of these now give elaborator crashes. We should probably take Vikraman's failing examples from before and put those in benchmarks/proofautomation/neg

Ok, am closing since this one seems to work for now ... :-/