
Updated full Android_Me repository (Gradle + Migrate AndroidX)

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I forked and updated the Android_Me Repository.
I don't try to make pull requests as I have to do it at least 14 times.

Have a look at my repository.
You can create an issue if you have a problem or if you have a question.

Update date:

  • 11/10/2020.
  • Migrated AndroidX
  • Target SDK version: 29

Faced the same issue with others.
We should do this for all repositories.

Faced the same issue with others.
We should do this for all repositories.

I am sure, I am not the only one who was thinking that way. Unfortunately, I can't start over with each lesson, I have less and less free time which infects my course study and work.

Well, I am happy to start the "project" but I will need other students to contribute to this.
Let me know guys, who can contribute and I will do my best.

Whoever wants to contribute, please push your code to this repository: https://github.com/himaneesh-sompalle/udacity-android-updated

It will be more organized.