Windows make version
alexxucui opened this issue · 9 comments
Hi the link you provided for make for windows is 3.8.1 but the minimum requirement is 4.1. I have run the model on both windows and ubuntu and see very different results. Not sure if it is the make issue here.
Oh very weird. Investigating.
Is there any workaround for this. Or can Udacity provide the necessary make setup file?
@rohts-patil, you're seeing the same thing? Still trying to find the source of this one.
I'm assuming both of you are using make 3.8.1?
Have either of you tried using the Windows bash implementation to install / execute make?
Yes, I tried that. But while downloading the source for make using wget it throws this error:- Cannot write to ‘make-4.1.tar.gz’ (Permission denied).
This may be a silly question, but have you tried sudo
? I'm unfamiliar with bash on Windows.
This is the post that I followed.
It throw me down in a rabbit hole:
"On windows, you may need to run: cmake .. -G "Unix Makefiles" && make"
Safe route - So first install VS community edition 2017 (one option) then "cmake .. && make"
Looks like no recent posts, so going to close out. I think the updates to CMakeLists.txt in the meantime have helped, plus we now have a in-classroom workspace environment that should help for any students having difficulties on Windows.