
colord-kde needed for Kubuntu 19.10

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trying this with an ASUS ZenBook Pro Duo UX581GV
with Kubuntu 19.10 i needed to install colord-kde to get it to work.
(otherwise it just fails with the 'not in time' error)

additionally i had to manually setup the auto-start. the installation did not accomplish this for me.
Thanks for a nice 'Work-Around' Tool :-)

would be good to add this information somewhere in the readme?!

Thanks for the tip about colord-kde!
To get the autostart to work, I just had to run

cp /usr/share/gnome/autostart/icc-brightness.desktop ~/.config/autostart/

After the make install. KDE doesn't read from that gnome/autostart folder it seems.
For it to be system wide I think the directory it should be in is /etc/xdg/autostart but I only tested the user level.

i just added it via the GUI autostart - it is the same result as your copy ;-)