
Dynamic forms version 16.0.0 renders Input incorrectly

Diaaz opened this issue · 6 comments

Diaaz commented

I'm submitting a

[x] Bug / Regression
[ ] Feature Request / Proposal

I'm using

NG Dynamic Forms Version: `16.0.0`

[ ] Basic UI
[ ] Bootstrap UI  
[ ] Foundation UI
[ ] Ionic UI
[ ] Kendo UI
[x] Material  
[ ] NG Bootstrap
[ ] Prime NG


Input controls are not rendered correctly in Angular Material 15.0.1. An input is rendered, but it is not a Material input and when typing the placeholder is not removed and the entered text is shown on top it.

this.testModel = [
new DynamicInputModel({
id: "sampleInput",
label: "Sample Input",
maxLength: 42,
placeholder: "Sample input"
this.testFormGroup = this.formService.createFormGroup(this.testModel);

<form [formGroup]="testFormGroup">
  <dynamic-material-form [group]="testFormGroup" [model]="testModel"></dynamic-material-form>
Diaaz commented

@udos86 I think the problem is the line:

import { MatLegacyInput as MatInput } from "@angular/material/legacy-input";

in file ng-dynamic-forms/ui-material/src/lib/input/dynamic-material-input.component.ts.

Material 15 changed many class-names. E.g: mat-input-element to mat-mdc-input-element. It seems MatLegacyInput uses the old class-names, which are not available in the build.

Really need this too! Is there any progress?

I also really need this to be released.

Just released 17.0.0 which includes #1168 and a couple of fixes to that.

If there are any bugs left, please open a pull request.

Diaaz commented

Thank you!

Thank you!