Terraform GCP Cluster Creating, Workload Deployment, and Exposer using an Ingress Object


  1. Install terraform binary on your system

  2. Signup and create a project if you don't have a gcp account

  3. Clone the repository

  4. Run the terraform from the terraform-new folder:

    1. terraform init -reconfigure
    2. terraform validate
    3. terraform plan
    4. terraform apply
  5. Create a Cloud build trigger for the cloned repository in step 3

  6. To deploy the workload:

    1. Build the Dockerfile and push to GCP Container registery
    2. Change the image in the following files flask.yaml, and cloudbuild.yaml to your own image
    3. Create a small change and push to github to trigger the deployment, or
    4. Trigger it manually from the GCP console