
After :bdeletes, closed firefox window missing in "History -> Recently close windows" list

Harliff opened this issue · 0 comments

I'm opening this issue because:

  • I'll report a bug


after closing a window with multiple tabs using :bdeletes command, the closed firefox window missing in "History -> Recently close windows" list

Failure Information (for bugs)

just lost a window with 200+ tabs and can't quickly reopen them

Steps to Reproduce

Please provide detailed steps for reproducing the issue.

  1. have multiple tabs opened
  2. install the vim-vixen
  3. type :bdeletes
  4. start firefox again
  5. go to History -> Recently closed windows
  6. observe that there is no window with all just closed tabs in the menu

System configuration

  • Operating system: debian 11
  • Firefox version: 106.0.5
  • Vim-Vixen version: 1.2.3

Console logs

Any relevant log in developer tools: