
Approaching Clinical NER as a MRC problem

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Clinical Transformer MRC


The package is the implementation of a transformer based MRC (Machine Reading Comprehension) system for clinical information extraction task. We aim to provide a simple and quick tool for researchers to conduct clinical NER and RE without comprehensive knowledge of transformers.

Available models

  • BERT (base, large, mimiciii-pretrained)
  • RoBERTa (base, large, mimiciii-pretrained)
  • GatorTron (a large clinical language model developed in our previous work, which is pretrained from scratch using >90 billion words of text, which includes >82 billion words of de-identified clinical text)

We will keep adding new models.

Install Requirements

  • The code requires Python 3.6+.

  • If you are working on a GPU machine with CUDA 10.1, please run pip install torch==1.7.1+cu101 torchvision==0.8.2+cu101 torchaudio==0.7.2 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html to install PyTorch. If not, please see the PyTorch Official Website for instructions.

  • Then run the following script to install the remaining dependenices: pip install -r requirements.txt

We build our project on pytorch-lightning. If you want to know more about the arguments used in our training scripts, please refer to pytorch-lightning documentation.


We released code and scripts for clinical concept extraction and relation extraction using transformer-based models, where we fine-tuned transformer-based models and treated concept and relation extraction as sequence labeling task and classification task, respectively.

usage and example

  • prepare datasets

see sample_data dir (train.tsv and test.tsv) for the train and test data format

we did not provide a script for training and test data generation

we have a jupyter notebook with preprocessing 2018 n2c2 and 2022 n2c2 dataset as an example

you can follow our example to generate your own dataset

  • training

please refer to the wiki page for all details of the parameters flag details

python ./src/train/mrc_ner_trainer.py \
      --data_dir ${DATA_DIR} \
      --model_type $MODEL_TYPE \
      --bert_config_dir ${BERT_DIR} \
      --max_length ${MAX_LEN} \
      --batch_size ${BATCH} \
      --gpus="2" \
      --precision=${PREC} \
      --progress_bar_refresh_rate 1 \
      --lr ${LR} \
      --val_check_interval ${VAL_CHECK} \
      --accumulate_grad_batches ${GRAD_ACC} \
      --default_root_dir ${OUTPUT_DIR} \
      --mrc_dropout ${MRC_DROPOUT} \
      --bert_dropout ${BERT_DROPOUT} \
      --max_epochs ${MAX_EPOCH} \
      --span_loss_candidates ${SPAN_CAND} \
      --weight_span ${SPAN_WEIGHT} \
      --warmup_steps ${WARMUP} \
      --distributed_backend=ddp \
      --gradient_clip_val ${MAX_NORM} \
      --weight_decay ${WEIGHT_DECAY} \
      --optimizer ${OPTIM} \
      --lr_scheduler ${LR_SCHEDULER} \
      --classifier_intermediate_hidden_size ${INTER_HIDDEN} \
      --lr_mini ${LR_MINI}
  • prediction
python ./src/inference/mrc_ner_inference.py \
      --data_dir ${DATA_DIR} \
      --bert_dir ${BERT_DIR} \
      --max_length ${MAX_LEN} \
      --model_ckpt ${MODEL_CKPT} \
      --hparams_file ${HPARAMS_FILE} \
      --output_fn ${predict_output} \
      --dataset_sign ${DATA_SIGN}
  • post-processing (we only support transformation to brat format)

we provide a jupyter notebook with postprocessing 2018 n2c2 and 2022 n2c2 dataset as an example


Peng C, Yang X, Yu Z, Bian J, Hogan WR, Wu Y. Clinical concept and relation extraction using prompt-based machine reading comprehension. J Am Med Inform Assoc. Published online June 14, 2023. doi:10.1093/jamia/ocad107 https://academic.oup.com/jamia/advance-article-abstract/doi/10.1093/jamia/ocad107/7198189?redirectedFrom=fulltext