
Layout and Style Overhaul

Opened this issue · 2 comments

The current styling/layout of the website is great for mobile, but I find a few things to be offsetting:

  • excessive whitespace
  • too harsh on the eyes
  • an odd color scheme
  • layout used to display elements that lack purpose or design utility

To solve this I suggest a few things:

  1. A darker theme, the white can strain the eyes when trying to read or sift through the information presented.

  2. A completely new layout bringing more when landing on the home page. Currently there is some excess information that does not help people find more about how to get involved. Use some examples from other clubs or other online resources.

  3. More description about projects and how to get started on those rather than business-y keywords. (a.k.a. replace the 3 cards on the front with something more descriptive)

  4. An additional component for simple event login so people can be recognized for attending (no email/password required).

  5. Adding a bit more artwork and movement to the site either using CSS animations and/or images (isometric images are cool).

Here is a quick model for an informational component, just example text:

This is currently being worked on in the feature/restyle branch although there are no concrete plans for the overall design theme. I recommend we close this branch and put this restyle on the back burner until more important functionality (such as sign in) is implemented. This is because this issue involves meeting in the OS discord to discuss the overall theme we will go with before work can start.

I'm going to close #66 as renaming the CSS elements should be addressed in the overhaul. We can use the previous design elements for reference, but we might be able to make things cleaner by starting fresh.