
NSSL MP initialization issue

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When warm starting with NSSL microphysics from restart IC using Thompson microphysics, NSSL microphysics assumes number of concentration of all hydrometers are available and enter the warm start mode for microphysics. This led to an initial surge of reflectivity in RRFS ensemble members using NSSL microphysics.

Steps to Reproduce

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  1. step 1
  2. step 2
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Warm start with NSSL microphysics scheme with restart IC from Thompson microphysics. Check the reflectivity at F00 (the first timestep)

Additional Context

Please provide any relevant information about your setup. This is important in case the issue is not reproducible except for under certain conditions.

  • Machine Hera
  • Compiler Intel
  • Suite Definition File or Scheme suite_RRFSens_phy3.xml
  • Reference other issues or PRs in other repositories that this is related to, and how they are related.



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see the high reflectivity in members with NSSL microphysics, particularly the red circles, compared with other members using Thompson microphysics