plugin not loaded in lunarvim
akahanaton opened this issue · 1 comments
akahanaton commented
Hi, as the title said. my config is:
table.insert(lvim.builtin.cmp.sources, { name = 'dictionary', keyword_length = 2 })
lvim.builtin.cmp.formatting.source_names['dictionary'] = ''
lvim.plugins = {
{ 'uga-rosa/cmp-dictionary', before = 'nvim-cmp',
config = function()
require 'cmp_dictionary'.setup {
async = true,
capacity = 5,
dic = { ['*'] = '/path/to/words' }
end }, -- vim dictionary source for cmp
when i run: PackerLoad cmp-dictionary
, it reports:
Error: attempted to load cmp-dictionary which is not present in plugins table!
Error in packer_compiled: ...m/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/load.lua:135: Error: attempted to load cmp-dictionary which is not present in plugins table!
Please check your config for correctness
Could you please take a look or correct my error, mant thanks
uga-rosa commented
It's not an issue with this plugin. Read the lunarvim documentation.