
Custom action for sap/fe/test/ObjectPage

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug
The doco suggests you can add your own custom action to a page object

  // custom action in own page object
  await ListReportPage.iShouldSeeCustomFieldsInDialog()

however i cannot find an example

when I try the following like what i would do in opa

module.exports = {
  ObjectPage: [{
    appId: "com.apress.beershop", // MANDATORY: sap.app.id in manifest.json
    componentId: "BeersObject", // MANDATORY: sap.ui5.routing.targets.id in manifest.json
    entitySet: "Beers", // MANDATORY: entityset in manifest.json
  },{    // CustomPageDefinitions
    actions: {
        iGetInputValue: async (sId) => {
            return await browser.asControl({
                selector: {
                    id: sId,
                    viewName: this._viewName,
                    interaction: {
                        idSuffix: "inner"
    assertions: {}   

The bridge code

      .then(() => {
          const pageConfig = {}
          Object.keys(pageObjectConfig).map((pageKey) => {
              Object.keys(pageObjectConfig[pageKey]).forEach((className) => {
                  const options = pageObjectConfig[pageKey][className]
                  pageConfig[pageKey] = new window.fe_bridge[className](options)

calls the test template function and only sends the page definitions and not the additional page definitions also

function ObjectPage(oPageDefinition, _aAdditionalPageDefinitions)
[className](options)  options maps to oPageDefintion sa an array
 [{appid ...},{ actions: ...}] and not two arguments meaning no additional page actions

can we have an example of how to populate the addtionPageDefintions for a page template?

or a way to apply arguments instead of one object


John P

Siolto commented

When something can not be covered with the testLibrary you have to use standard wdi5. You don't have to extend anything. Just create your own page object like here

thanks i was reading it wrong

test library functions within the FioriElementsFacade and your test functions outside.

i thought it was suggesting you can do within
