Create your simple camera for taking photos and recording videos :D
Youtube links:
- Part 1:
- Part 2:
------------------CAMERA DEMO IN REACT NATIVE------------------
- STEP 1: Install necessary modules 'react-native-camera', 'react-native-permissions', 'react-native-vector-icons'
npm i --save react-native-camera react-native-permissions react-native-vector-icons
react-native link react-native-camera react-native-permissions react-native-vector-icons
*** Fix error: Cannot choose between the following variants of project :react-native-camera:
- generalDebugRuntimeElements
- mlkitDebugRuntimeElements
android { ... defaultConfig { ... missingDimensionStrategy 'react-native-camera', 'general' <-- insert this line } }
- STEP 2: Grant permissions 'record_audio', 'camera', 'storage'. Go to file '/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml'
- STEP 3: Configure general camera:
- flashMode: on, off (used for take picture)
- captureAudio: true, false (mute or unmute used for recording video)
- front/back camera
- maxDuration (for recording video)
- seconds (recording time)
- STEP 4: Add icons for these purposes:
- 'flash mode' (size 50, IoniconsIcon: 'ios-flash', 'ios-flash-off')
- 'reverse camera' (size 60, IoniconsIcon: 'ios-reverse-camera')
- 'capture' (size 40, Entypo: 'camera')
- 'record video' (size 40, Entypo: 'video-camera')
- STEP 5: Turn on/off flash
- STEP 6: Capture
- STEP 7: Reverse camera
- STEP 8: Record video
- Start recording video: count time
-------------Convert seconds to format 'mm:ss'
secondsToMMSS = (seconds: number) => { let m = Math.floor(seconds / 60); let s = Math.floor(seconds % 60); let mDisplay = m < 10 ? `0${m}` : `${m}`; let sDisplay = s < 10 ? `0${s}` : `${s}`; return `${mDisplay}:${sDisplay}`; }
- Stop recording video: reset time