
Incorrect inverse with swapped power and log

mlochbaum opened this issue · 2 comments

Example: expressions -:8 °(-:8) 3 and ÷:8 °(÷:8) 3 return 3 but ⁿ:8 °(ⁿ:8) 3 and ₙ:8 °(ₙ:8) 3 don't. It seems °(ⁿ:8) 3 is computed as °(ⁿ3) 8 and similarly for log, but the inverses should be ₙ8 for ⁿ:8 and ⁿ:8÷:1 for ₙ:8.

(Found while checking if Uiua would do better than BQN on an inverse I had to back out, that is, Tr 440 with Tr ← ×⊙(ⁿ:2÷12). Not at the moment it seems.)

They should invert correctly now.
Not sure if this makes your case work though.

The math looks right. For Tr it doesn't know how to work with dip and a constant. So it works if the arithmetic for Tr 440 is written out but not with Tr 440 itself. Code link if you want to take a look. What it would need to do is exchange ⊙(ⁿ:2÷12) and 440. I guess if it sees arithmetic followed by dip it could try this?