
Or query, with many parameters, does it require writing each one twice

xuyongweb opened this issue · 15 comments

Discussed in #330

Originally posted by xuyongweb July 7, 2023
Select * from Table_Name where Column1=value1 and (Column2=value2 or Column3=value3);

Select * from Table_Name where (Column1=value1 and Column2=value2 and Column3 = value3 and Column4 = value4) or (Column2=value1 and Column1=value2 and Column3 = value3 and Column4 = value4);

Select * from Table_Name where Column3 = value3 and Column4 = value4 and ((Column2=value1 and Column1 = value2) or (Column1=value1 and Column2=value2))

May I ask how to write it using jsstore syntax?

Select * from Table_Name where Column1=value1 and ((Column2=value2 and Column4=value4) or (Column3=value3 and Column5=value5));

from: table_name,

where: [{

    column1: value1,

}, {

    column2: value2,


    or: {

        column3: value3,




Is it correct to write this way?

yes this is correct.

Okay, thank you. I'll test it and get back to you later

Are you still there? @ujjwalguptaofficial

Thanks! Problem solved

Nice :). I am also working on making documentation better 🎉 .

// 新增
connection.insert = async function(body) {
	// if(body['into']== 'Members') console.log('开始插入',body)
  // console.log('开始插入',body)
  if (!isOpen()) await openDb();
  let tableItems = initTable.filter(el => {
    return el.name == body['into']
  // console.log('tableItems',tableItems)
  const tableItem = {...tableItems[0]['columns']}
  Object.keys(tableItem).forEach(mkk => {
	// 如果是主键自增字段,删除数据,让他自增长
    if ('autoIncrement' in tableItem[mkk] && tableItem[mkk]['autoIncrement']) {
      delete tableItem[mkk];
	if ('keyPath' in tableItem[mkk] ) {
		delete tableItem[mkk];
  let sqlStr = ``;
  Object.keys(body).forEach(key => {
    if (key == 'into') {
      if ('upsert' in body && body['upsert']) {
        // 如果存在旧数据与新数据冲突,删除旧数据插入新数据
        sqlStr += `REPLACE INTO ${body[key]} `
      } else {
        // 与主键冲突的数据会忽略插入
        sqlStr += `INSERT IGNORE INTO ${body[key]} `
    if (key == 'values') {
      let keys = "";
      let values = "";
      if (Array.isArray(body[key])) {
        Object.keys(tableItem).forEach(m => {
          keys += m + ',';
        keys = keys.replace(/^(\s|,)+|(\s|,)+$/g, '');
        body[key].forEach(n => {
          values += `(`;
          Object.keys(tableItem).forEach(mk => {
            if (mk in n) {
              if (tableItem[mk]['dataType'] == 'number') {
                if (Number(n[mk]) == 0 || Number(n[mk])) {
                  values += `'${ Number(n[mk])}',`;
                } else {
                  values += '-1,';
              } else {
                values += `'${ n[mk]? sqliteEscape(n[mk]) : ""}',`;
            } else {
              if (tableItem[mk]['dataType'] == 'number') {
                values += '-1,';
              } else {
                values += '"",';
          values = values.replace(/^(\s|,)+|(\s|,)+$/g, '');
          values += `),`;
        // console.log('值',values)
        keys = keys.replace(/^(\s|,)+|(\s|,)+$/g, '');
        values = values.replace(/^(\s|,)+|(\s|,)+$/g, '');
        sqlStr += `(${keys}) VALUES ${values}`;
      } else {
        // console.log('进入222')
        Object.keys(body[key]).forEach(s => {
          keys += s + ',';
          // values+=body[key][s]+',';
          if (typeof body[key][s] == 'string') {
            values += `'${sqliteEscape(body[key][s]) }',`;
          } else {
            values += `${body[key][s]},`;

        keys = keys.replace(/^(\s|,)+|(\s|,)+$/g, '');
        values = values.replace(/^(\s|,)+|(\s|,)+$/g, '');
        sqlStr += `(${keys}) VALUES(${values})`;

  // if(body['into']== 'Members') console.log('新增sql语句',sqlStr)
  // console.log('新增sql语句',sqlStr)
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      name: DbName,
      sql: sqlStr,
      success: async (e) => {
        // console.log('插入成功...' + sqlStr)
        if (body['return']) {
          // console.log(body['into'])
          let rowId = await getLastId(body['into']);
        } else {

      fail(e) {
        console.log('e----', e)
        console.log('sqlStr', sqlStr)

To be compatible with sqlite, I loop through the query objects of the jsstore and concatenate them into sqlite syntax. Would it be easier to implement using sqlweb?

No, I think this is fine. In SqlWeb - syntax might be little different but feel free to experiment it.

Because the way to loop jsstore query objects and concatenate them into sqlite syntax is a bit complicated, if sqlweb could pass in the sqlite syntax directly, then I wouldn't have to loop concatenate syntax。

One more question, is batch updating with a transaction faster than direct updating?