Packer encrypt copy

This will be useful if:

  • You can't copy images that are public (aws limitation)
  • You can't copy images between accounts that are encrypted (aws limitation)
  • You don't mind your origin image being unencrypted
  • You want your running images with your actual data to be encrypted
  • You maybe have pay as you go licences RHEL or Windows that would be lost through other means (you can't specify the billing code yourself if you share/copy snapshots)

What happens:

  • packer brings up an ec2 instance with the AMI in the destination account
  • packer makes an unencrypted AMI from that
  • packer makes an encrypted copy from that AMI
  • packer destroys the unencrypted AMI
  • new AMI in the destination account with a name like something copied from ami-xxxxx so you can follow it back

Things to be aware of / downsides:

  • There is a chance that when packer starts the image, something happens that won't happen on subsequent boots or changes things (cloud-init maybe?) and you'll end up imaging an 'unsealed' image.



docker run \
  --rm \
  -e region=eu-west-2 \
  -e aws_id=... \
  -e aws_key=... \
  -e filters="--owner 000000 --filters "Name=name,Values=something*"" \


    image: UKHomeOffice/dq-packer-encrypt-copy
      - export region=eu-west-2
      - export filters="--owner 000000 --filters "Name=name,Values=something*""
      - export aws_id=$${NOTPROD_ACC_ID}
      - export aws_key=$${NOTPROD_ACC_KEY}
      - ./
        - NOTPROD_ACC_ID
      event: push
      branch: master


  • allow instance_type to be configurable
  • skip temp ssh key pair creation
  • skip temp security group creation
  • test with windows