PLOT.DAT & OPT.DAT seem to now be redundant and never used

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The output files OPT.DAT and PLOT.DAT seem to never be used for external use. PLOT.DAT now seems to be created but nothing is ever written to it.
OPT.DAT contains the used iteration and constraint variables which are already stated in the MFILE

These files should be checked for their use and removed or re-formatted.

Example OPT.DAT output below:

number of constrains
Constrains selection
 1   2   9   5  24  15  62  81  17  64  56  33  31  32  11  67  30  46
 number of variables
 Variables selection
 6   9 109   4   5  36  18  10 103 110 145 152 154  28 135 170  97  50  57 140  48  49  29  93 116  46  72
 n VMCOM iter | Figure of merit | VMCON conv      | constrains quad sum |   residual,   input values and  FoM input gradients
 niter          abs(objf)         sum                sqsumsq                  1                 2                 9                 5                24                15                62                81                17                64                56                33                31                32                11                67                30                46                 6                 9               109                 4                 5                36                18                10               103               110               145               152               154                28               135               170                97                50                57               140                48                49                29                93               116                46                72                 6                 9               109                 4                 5                36                18                10               103               110               145               152               154                28               135               170                97                50                57               140                48                49                29                93               116                46                72

PLOT.DAT is only written to when a scan is run, but then this file is never used. OPT.DAT is only nonempty when old vmcon is used. Both files will be removed from process