Sha1_xx have been deprecated long time ago...
DorisBDR opened this issue · 1 comments
as UDA server starts to be used widely in production environment, and in some cases it is open to external world, it is strongly recommended to avoid using deprecated methods in openssl...
these methods have been replaced with EVP_DigestXX
Deprecated low-level digest functions
Use of low-level digest functions such as SHA1_Init(3) have been informally discouraged from use for a long time. Applications should instead use the the high level EVP APIs EVP_DigestInit_ex(3), EVP_DigestUpdate(3) and EVP_DigestFinal_ex(3), or the quick one-shot EVP_Q_digest(3).
Note that the functions SHA1(3), SHA224(3), SHA256(3), SHA384(3) and SHA512(3) have changed to macros that use EVP_Q_digest(3).
Example of usage
well with the code in github, this part has been rewritten...and i don't see these methods used, so i'm closing the issue