
Web service reads from S3 interface

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Reviewer: Rob, Dan

A POST request to the Web API (route "listpresent", JSON body) returns a list of the files already present at the server end.

Acceptance criteria:
Both the web app and the S3 interface need to be up and running.

POST request to with correctly formatted JSON body (e.g. {"bucket": "test-bucket-name", "directory": "testdir/testsubdir"}) returns a JSON response

The relative path to directory is an optional argument ({"bucket": "test-bucket-name"} should also work). When it is absent all files should be returned.

  • When the bucket does not exist a warning message should be returned
  • When there are no files in the directory at the S3 end this should return an empty array
  • When there are files in the directory at the S3 end this should return information for each one: name (including relative path), which bucket it is in, size in bytes, last modified (in UNIX time)

Note #71 will fix a status and status code issue

Warning is returned by a non-existent bucket ✔️
An empty array is returned from an empty bucket ✔️
When there are files then it returns information like this:

"objects": [
                "object_name": "2test2/333testing/444testing/555testing/test.txt",
                "bucket_name": "ditto-anything-i-want",
                "is_dir": false,
                "size": 5,
                "etag": "\"d8e8fca2dc0f896fd7cb4cb0031ba249\"",
                "last modified": 1543511480.145

This only lists files and not folders so "is_dir" is always false - is this expected?

"is_dir" has now been removed which resolves the previous comment